Well hello there! I survived the weekend where we decided it would be a fabulous idea to work a Photo Booth at a local festival. That's good news, right?! 

I'll just start off by saying, after resting yesterday and looking back on the weekend, I am glad we did it. It was a good time seeing the little kids get excited about picking props, the laughter between friends and family and the fact that we went through with our initial idea and pulled off our first photo booth! 

Now, for the details. Two words for running a photo booth. Hard. Work. For a little background information on my mom, my sister, my grandma and myself. We are a set of hard headed, strong, independent women. Those are all great traits to have, until of course, you decide to put up a tarp, over a 12'x12' booth, with crazy winds. ha ha. It was quite the experience. Needless to say, we had many of the city workers drive by and help out a few times (not that we couldn't have figured it out ourselves)! 

So, after we got the booth up and running (or so we thought) we were already tired and ready for a nap. We had a long night ahead of us. Then, when we thought we were on the road to recovery, the crazy high winds caught our booth just right and... yep, the booth came crashing down. So now, we were back at square one. That didn't stop us though, we were quickly back on our feet and came up with an even better layout than the first time. So really, I think it was a blessing in disguise. At least that's what we're telling ourselves. 

Anyway, I don't want to bore you with all of our small details, but I will leave you with this. The booth was a partial success. It's always the hardest the first year, because you have much more preparation than years after. It's a great idea, but a lot of hard work. It was fun, but we're not sure how often we will attempt in the future. I'm glad we did it and experienced it, but even more glad it's over. :) Please enjoy the photos below of our adventurous weekend! 

The booth workers - minus our Mom. 
The final product! 


Little Miss P stopped by so we had to dress her up! 

And just to leave you with a couple of bonus photos. The first picture is what we sat through on Saturday for quite some time. It's not all glamorous! And my niece Emma. How cute is that face painting?! 

Signing... Steph

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